Online Meeting on Associations and Clubs for UNESCO and UNESCO’s Youth Programme

“Online Meeting on Associations and Clubs for UNESCO and UNESCO’s Youth Programme” was held on February 29, 2024. This gathering brought together over 150 representatives of the National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO Secretariat and members of the World Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO (WFUCA).
The session commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Dov Lynch, Chief of the Section for Relations with Member States, Sector for Priority Africa and External Relations. Mr. Lynch emphasized the critical role of collaborative efforts among Member States, Associations and Clubs and the Secretariat.
Additionally, Ms. Assel Utegenova, Liaison Officer and Focal Point for Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, National Commissions and Fellowships Unit, provided participants with an update on the latest UNESCO regulations. She also presented the 2024 Calendar of important events for the Clubs movement, highlighting the Organization’s commitment to fostering an environment that encourages the active participation of youth. Her presentation stressed the need for activities that are more focused on youth engagement across various sectors, showcasing the Clubs movement as a key partner in mobilizing young people.
Furthermore, Mr. Bolat Akchulakov, President of WFUCA, outlined the 2024 priorities of work with a focus on the development of the “Youth Strategy of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO 2024-2030: Building a sustainable future together”. This strategy, set to be developed during the Global Youth Forum of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO Leaders, aims to harness the innovative potential of young people as drivers of change.
“Youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are change-makers, driving innovation and progress within our communities and beyond. Wherever they reside, youth should be full members of their communities and agents of change,” noted Mr. Bolat Akchulakov.
During his speech, he reassured the representatives of the National Commissions, who do not yet have a Federation or Clubs in general, that WFUCA is always open to cooperate and ready to provide every possible assistance to involve countries in the Clubs movement in order to unite efforts to achieve UNESCO key goals.
In the next part of the meeting, Ms. Souria Saad-Zoi, Chief of the Youth Section within the Social and Human Sciences Sector, presented UNESCO’s Youth Programme, including the outcomes of the 13th UNESCO Youth Forum, which witnessed participation from over 140 youth representatives from around the globe.
Ms. Saad-Zoi elaborated on UNESCO’s longstanding commitment to youth empowerment, acknowledging the significant benefits young people have derived from UNESCO’s actions over the years. She underscored the Organization’s active efforts to ensure that the voices of young people are heard and valued, reinforcing their importance in shaping the future.
Organizers of the online meeting express their profound gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions and active participation. The meeting marks a significant step forward in strengthening the collaboration between UNESCO, National Commissions and Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, setting a positive trajectory for the achievement of common goals.