WFUCA partners with BONJOUR BRAND to launch – Global Youth Creativity Support Program

The 10th Bonjour Brand Forum was held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on June 21st, with the theme “The Standing of Brands on the Global Stage”. This forum focused on brand culture, culture-driven innovation, and brand globalization. It facilitated dialogue among over 500 leaders from the Sino-French political and business communities, as well as CEOs, CMOs of leading global brands, renowned creatives, media representatives, and opinion leaders, promoting brand collaboration and cultural innovation.

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism. The Bonjour Brand Forum, initiated in 2014, has now reached its 10th edition. Over the past decade, Bonjour Brand Forum has provided a platform for cultural dialogue and innovative cooperation through various activities in both China and France. The forum commenced with an opening speech by its honorary chairman, former French Prime Minister and President of the “Fondation Prospective et Innovation”, Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN: “Design is a commitment for brands, a reflection of brand identity, and a channel for cross-border communication. The role of design is crucial for the brands; design is culture, and the brand creates communication. It has been a privilege to accompany the Bonjour Brand Forum for ten years, witnessing the development of design and brands between China and France, as well as Jing YANG’s achievements in fostering creative cooperation between the two countries over the past decade.”

In this context, Bonjour Brand and the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA) announced the launch of the “Bonjour Youth” – Global Youth Creativity Support Program during the forum. This program aims to create a global support platform by collaborating with cities and brands worldwide. It seeks to provide young people with opportunities in design, creativity, technology, and the arts, fostering and nurturing their innovative capabilities. By using creativity to facilitate cultural dialogue between different countries, the program aims to promote cooperation and development in the design and creative industries worldwide.

President Jing YANG said at the project’s launch: “For over ten years, Bonjour Brand has been dedicated to fostering creative cooperation between China and Europe. We hope that through this collaboration with WFUCA, young people will be able to find their future and discover more possibilities.”

Sunjoo LEE, President of the Asian-Pacific Federation of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO, delivered a speech at the signing ceremony. She stated: “It is a great pleasure for me to welcome all of you to this great signing ceremony. The partnership between Bonjour Brand and WFUCA signifies profound synergy, where our collaborative effort will amplify the voice of diverse cultures, encourage people to harness creative talent worldwide, and we will be dedicated to advancing UNESCO’s ideals, advocating peace, education, science, and culture.”

“Bonjour Brand, with its commitment to cultural enrichment, perfectly complements our mission. As we embark on this journey together, we anticipate numerous opportunities to showcase and celebrate richness and cultural diversity. Our collaboration will pave the way for innovative projects, cultural exchanges, and creative initiatives. By leveraging the strengths of and inspiring both WFUCA and Bonjour Brand, we will create a vibrant ecosystem of natural creativity, foster mutual understanding, and promote cultural dialogue. As we sign this agreement today, let us remember, that we are forging a bond that will resonate across the world. Together, we will champion cultural diversity, ensuring that it remains a source of inspiration, unity, and strength. Let us look forward to a future filled with creative collaborations and cultural celebrations.”

Afterward, President Jing YANG and Daniela POPESCU, Vice President of WFUCA, signed the agreement on-site. Ms. POPESCU then delivered a speech saying: “On behalf of WFUCA, I would like to thank you all for your warm welcome. It is an honor for us to become future partners with Mr. President YANG.”

“The concepts of Yin and Yang originate from Chinese philosophy and metaphysics. They describe how seemingly opposing forces can be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they can give rise to each other in their relationship. Welcome to our WFUCA and the embodiment of the Yin-Yang concept. Let us celebrate creativity, innovation, and the joys of creating together.”

The signing ceremony was witnessed by former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN; YANG Xinyu, Ambassador of the Permanent Delegate of China to UNESCO; DU Yue, Secretary-General of World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations; and Andrei Chevelev, Ex-head of the Asia-Pacific Unit Sector for Priority Africa and External Relations of UNESCO.

The ceremony was also attended by Anne-Marie SARGUEIL, President of Institut Français du Design; Clement DEROCK, President of the Intuit Lab School; and Chinese brand representative Pechoin.

Réunion en ligne relative aux associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO et au programme jeunessede l’UNESCO

La « Réunion en relative aux associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO et au Programme Jeunesse de l’UNESCO » s’est tenue le 29 février 2024. Cette rencontre a réuni plus de 150 représentants des Commissions nationales pour l’UNESCO, du Secrétariat de l’UNESCO et des membres de la Fédération mondiale des associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO (FMACU).

La séance a débuté par un accueil chaleureux de la part de M. Dov Lynch, Chef de la Section des relations avec les États membres, du Secteur pour la Priorité Afrique et les Relations extérieures. M. Lynch a souligné le rôle essentiel des efforts de collaboration entre les États membres, les associations et clubs et le Secrétariat.

En outre, Mme Assel Utegenova, Chargée de liaison et point focal pour les associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO, Unité des Commissions nationales et des bourses, a fourni aux participants une mise à jour sur les dernières réglementations de l’UNESCO. Elle a également présenté le calendrier 2024 des événements importants pour le mouvement des clubs, soulignant l’engagement de l’Organisation à favoriser un environnement qui encourage la participation active des jeunes. Sa présentation a souligné la nécessité d’activités davantage axées sur l’engagement des jeunes dans divers secteurs, présentant le mouvement des Clubs comme un partenaire clé dans la mobilisation des jeunes.

En outre, M. Bolat Akchulakov, Président de la FMACU, a présenté les priorités de travail pour 2024 en mettant l’accent sur le développement de la « Stratégie jeunesse des associations et des clubs pour l’UNESCO 2024-2030 : Construire ensemble un avenir durable ». qui sera développé lors du Forum mondial de la jeunesse des associations et clubs de l’UNESCO, vise à exploiter le potentiel d’innovation des jeunes en tant que moteurs du changement.

« Les jeunes ne sont pas seulement les dirigeants de demain ; ce sont des acteurs du changement, qui stimulent l’innovation et le progrès au sein de nos communautés et au-delà. Où qu’ils résident, les jeunes doivent être des membres à part entière de leurs communautés et des agents du changement », a souligné M. Bolat Akchulakov.

Au cours de son discours, il a rassuré les représentants des Commissions nationales, qui n’ont pas encore de Fédération ou de Clubs en général, que la FMACU est toujours ouverte à coopérer et prête à fournir toute l’assistance possible pour impliquer les pays dans le mouvement des Clubs afin d’unir les efforts pour atteindre les objectifs clés de l’UNESCO.

Dans la partie suivante de la réunion, Mme Souria Saad-Zoi, Cheffe de la Section jeunesse du Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines, a présenté le Programme jeunesse de l’UNESCO, y compris les résultats du 13e Forum des jeunes de l’UNESCO, qui a vu la participation de plus de 140 représentants de la jeunesse du monde entier.

Mme Saad-Zoi a évoqué l’engagement de longue date de l’UNESCO en faveur de l’autonomisation des jeunes, reconnaissant les avantages significatifs que les jeunes ont tirés des actions de l’UNESCO au fil des années. Elle a souligné les efforts actifs de l’Organisation pour garantir que les voix des jeunes soient entendues et valorisées, renforçant ainsi leur importance pour façonner l’avenir.

Les organisateurs de la réunion en ligne expriment leur profonde gratitude à tous les participants pour leurs précieuses contributions et leur participation active. La réunion marque une avancée significative dans le renforcement de la collaboration entre l’UNESCO, les Commissions nationales et les associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO, établissant une trajectoire positive pour la réalisation d’objectifs communs.

Online Meeting on Associations and Clubs for UNESCO and UNESCO’s Youth Programme

“Online Meeting on Associations and Clubs for UNESCO and UNESCO’s Youth Programme” was held on February 29, 2024. This gathering brought together over 150 representatives of the National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO Secretariat and members of the World Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO (WFUCA).
The session commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Dov Lynch, Chief of the Section for Relations with Member States, Sector for Priority Africa and External Relations. Mr. Lynch emphasized the critical role of collaborative efforts among Member States, Associations and Clubs and the Secretariat.
Additionally, Ms. Assel Utegenova, Liaison Officer and Focal Point for Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, National Commissions and Fellowships Unit, provided participants with an update on the latest UNESCO regulations. She also presented the 2024 Calendar of important events for the Clubs movement, highlighting the Organization’s commitment to fostering an environment that encourages the active participation of youth. Her presentation stressed the need for activities that are more focused on youth engagement across various sectors, showcasing the Clubs movement as a key partner in mobilizing young people.
Furthermore, Mr. Bolat Akchulakov, President of WFUCA, outlined the 2024 priorities of work with a focus on the development of the “Youth Strategy of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO 2024-2030: Building a sustainable future together”. This strategy, set to be developed during the Global Youth Forum of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO Leaders, aims to harness the innovative potential of young people as drivers of change.
“Youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are change-makers, driving innovation and progress within our communities and beyond. Wherever they reside, youth should be full members of their communities and agents of change,” noted Mr. Bolat Akchulakov.
During his speech, he reassured the representatives of the National Commissions, who do not yet have a Federation or Clubs in general, that WFUCA is always open to cooperate and ready to provide every possible assistance to involve countries in the Clubs movement in order to unite efforts to achieve UNESCO key goals.
In the next part of the meeting, Ms. Souria Saad-Zoi, Chief of the Youth Section within the Social and Human Sciences Sector, presented UNESCO’s Youth Programme, including the outcomes of the 13th UNESCO Youth Forum, which witnessed participation from over 140 youth representatives from around the globe.
Ms. Saad-Zoi elaborated on UNESCO’s longstanding commitment to youth empowerment, acknowledging the significant benefits young people have derived from UNESCO’s actions over the years. She underscored the Organization’s active efforts to ensure that the voices of young people are heard and valued, reinforcing their importance in shaping the future.
Organizers of the online meeting express their profound gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions and active participation. The meeting marks a significant step forward in strengthening the collaboration between UNESCO, National Commissions and Associations and Clubs for UNESCO, setting a positive trajectory for the achievement of common goals.

Mrs. Youngshik Kim Participated in the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education 2024

Mrs. Youngshik Kim, Vice-President for the Asia-Pacific Region of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA), addressed the participants of the side event “Towards the Implementation of the UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education” during the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education 2024 on February 15th, at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates.

In her address at the occasion, hosted by the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), World Dance Alliance (WDA), Dance and the Child International (daCi), the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) and the Porto Santo Charter, Mrs. Kim emphasized the significance of the efforts of member countries of the World Federation in advancing UNESCO’s key priorities. She highlighted the importance of culture and arts education, uniting the efforts of nearly 5000 organizations in 89 countries worldwide.

“Our movement, which was born in 1947 put great attention to the aspects of Culture and Arts Education. In this regard, our civic movement has united around a goal to implement various international projects aimed at the promotion of cultural diversity and arts education approached through different esthetics”,  stated Mrs. Youngshik Kim.

She pointed out several key international projects such as Mitsubishi Asian Children’s Enikki Festa and the International Youth Festival “The Planet of ART”, which promote understanding and interaction between cultures, as well as intercultural dialogue and peace.

In conclusion of her speech, she also outlined that WFUCA strongly believes and invites all stakeholders to unite forces in order to greatly contribute to the design and implementation of new approaches in the development of culture and arts education expertise for a better and more sustainable future.

The 3rd World Conference was held from 13 to 15 February 2024 and provided a space for Member States and diverse actors to update their perspectives on the topic, exchange experiences, and most importantly adopt a “Framework for Culture and Arts Education” that considers not just the “Arts” but also “Culture”, understood in the broadest sense.

This event also united relevant UN agencies, intergovernmental-organizations and UNESCO networks and partners in the field of culture and education to share practices and innovative ideas, as well as strengthen a global alliance for culture and arts education.

WFUCA addressed at 42nd Session of UNESCO General Conference

Mr. Bolat Akchulakov, President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA), addressed the participants at the general policy debate section of the 42nd session of UNESCO General Conference, Paris.

In his speech, Mr. Akchulakov noted that it was a great honor for him to speak on behalf of one of the oldest UNESCO partner networks. He stressed that the UNESCO Clubs’ Movement, which was established in 1947 and unites today almost five thousand organizations in 90 countries of the world, aims to promote the key priorities and values of the Organization among representatives of civil society.

In the context of the challenges facing the world community, he highlighted that cooperation and joint efforts are becoming key elements for solving global problems.

“Through a variety of cultural and educational events, we aim to unite a significant number of young people worldwide in pursuit of a sustainable future, demonstrating that today, unity is the key to overcoming difficulties” – emphasized Mr. Akchulakov.

As part of the 75th anniversary of the movement, widely celebrated last year, Kazakhstan in collaboration with UNESCO prepared a historical publication summarizing the best experiences and practices of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO. The official presentation is scheduled to take place at UNESCO Headquarters on November 16th, coinciding with the day of Organization’s establishment.

Mr. Akchulakov also outlined the priorities of the World Federation’s work for the next four years, including: strengthening the movement, deepening cooperation with UNESCO and activating youth potential through the formation of leadership potential.

In conclusion of his speech Mr. Bolat Akchulakov expressed a gratitude to UNESCO for its constant assistance and assured that the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations is aimed at strengthening the organization through the support of priority aims in accordance with the guidelines.

Newsletter: Result of the 10th World Congress of WFUCA / Bulletin d’informations: Résultats du 10e Congrès mondial de la FMACU

The 10th World Congress of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA) was held in Seoul, Republic of Korea from October 26 to 29, 2023. This important event gathered over 100 representatives of the UNESCO Clubs Movement from all regions.

The main outcomes of the Congress were:

  1. Adoption of the revised name of the World Federation, in English “World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA)”, in French “Fédération mondiale des associations et clubs UNESCO (FMACU)”, which is identical to the name of the World Federation when it was founded in 1981;
  2. Adoption of the amendments to the Constitution of WFUCA bringing it into compliance with the “Regulatory Framework Regarding Associations, Centres and Clubs for UNESCO”;
  3. Admission of new members including: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan;
  4. Announcement of the Global Initiative of Partnership Establishment;
  5. Adoption of the “Appeal for Global Peace”;
  6. Election of the new Executive Board of WFUCA, including: President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Members.

In accordance with the results of the election, all new Executive Board members were elected by an absolute majority, as follows:

  • President: Mr. Bolat Akchulakov (Republic of Kazakhstan)
  • Vice-President for Europe Region: Ms. Daniela Popescu (Romania)
  • Vice-President for Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Ms. Katannia Plummer-Mitchell (Jamaica)
  • Vice-President for the Asia-Pacific Region: Ms. Youngshik Kim (Republic of Korea)
  • Vice-President for the African region: Mr. Gabin Ahogbédji Allognon (Republic of Benin)
  • Vice-President for the Arab Region: Mr. Mokhtar Farhat (Republic of Tunisia)
  • Treasurer: Mr. Dzmitry Substelny (Republic of Belarus)
  • Member for Europe Region: Mr. Ioannis Maronitis (Hellenic Republic)
  • Member for Asia-Pacific Region: Mr. Sharifi Nazir (Republic of Tajikistan)
  • Member for African Region: Mr. Augustin Bouda (Burkina-Faso)

The following national federations continue to serve as ex-officio members of Executive Board of WFUCA:

  • Chinese National Federation of Clubs and Associations for UNESCO (CNFUCA)
  • Italian Federation of Associations and Clubs for UNESCO (FICLU)
  • National Federation of Associations for UNESCO in Japan (NFUAJ)
  • Vietnam Federation of Associations for UNESCO (VFUA)

Meanwhile, Mr. Yue Du (People’s Republic of China) was warmly invited to continue his mandate as the Secretary General and lead the daily work of the Secretariat of WFUCA.

Following the election, the participating countries of the Congress expressed hope for the further successful development of the World Federation with the arrival of new leadership.

Mr. Bolat Akchulakov outlined key priorities of WFUCA, emphasizing the need to strengthen and develop Associations and Clubs for UNESCO in all regions of the world, increase their visibility and role in supporting UNESCO’s mandate in local communities, and expand the number of new members. Additionally, there is a desire to deepen collaboration with UNESCO and the governments of member states to jointly implement the World Federation’s key programs.


Le 10e Congrès mondial de la Fédération mondiale des associations et clubs UNESCO (FMACU) s’est tenu à Séoul, en République de Corée, du 26 au 29 octobre 2023. Cet événement important a rassemblé plus de 100 représentants du Mouvement des clubs UNESCO de toutes les régions.

Les principaux résultats du Congrès sont les suivants

  1. L’adoption du nom révisé de la Fédération mondiale, en anglais ” World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (WFUCA) “, en français ” Fédération mondiale des associations et clubs UNESCO (FMACU) “, qui est identique au nom de la Fédération mondiale lors de sa fondation en 1981 ;
  2. Adoption des amendements à la Constitution de la FMACU la mettant en conformité avec “le Cadre réglementaire relatif aux associations, centres et clubs pour l’UNESCO” ;
  3. Admission de nouveaux membres dont : Azerbaïdjan, Iran, Kenya, Kirghizistan, Tadjikistan ;
  4. Annonce de l’Initiative mondiale d’établissement de partenariats ;
  5. Adoption de “l’Appel à la paix mondiale” ;
  6. Élection du nouveau conseil exécutif de la FMACU, comprenant : Président, vice-présidents, trésorier et membres.

Conformément aux résultats des élections, tous les nouveaux membres du conseil exécutif ont été élus à la majorité absolue, comme suit :

  • Président : M. Bolat Akchulakov (République du Kazakhstan)
  • Vice-présidente pour la région Europe : Mme Daniela Popescu (Roumanie)
  • Vice-présidente pour la région Amérique latine et Caraïbes : Mme Katannia Plummer-Mitchell (Jamaïque)
  • Vice-présidente pour la région Asie-Pacifique : Mme Youngshik Kim (République de Corée)
  • Vice-président pour la région Afrique : M. Gabin Ahogbédji Allognon (République du Bénin)
  • Vice-président pour la région arabe : M. Mokhtar Farhat (République de Tunisie)
  • Trésorier : M. Dzmitry Substelny (République du Belarus)
  • Membre pour la région Europe : M. Ioannis Maronitis (République hellénique)
  • Membre pour la région Asie-Pacifique : M. Sharifi Nazir (République du Tadjikistan)
  • Membre pour la région Afrique : M. Augustin Bouda (Burkina-Faso)

Les fédérations nationales suivantes continuent d’être membre ex-officio du Conseil Exécutif de la FMACU:

  • Fédération nationale chinoise des associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO (CNFUCA)
  • Fédération italienne des associations et clubs pour l’UNESCO (FICLU)
  • Fédération nationale des associations pour l’UNESCO au Japon (NFUAJ)
  • Fédération vietnamienne des associations pour l’UNESCO (VFUA)

Par ailleurs, M. Yue Du (République populaire de Chine) a été chaleureusement invité à poursuivre son mandat de Secrétaire général et à diriger le travail quotidien du Secrétariat de la FMACU.

Après l’élection, les pays participants au Congrès ont exprimé leur espoir de voir la Fédération mondiale continuer à se développer avec succès grâce à l’arrivée d’un nouveau dirigeant.

M. Bolat Akchulakov a présenté les principales priorités de la FMACU, soulignant la nécessité de renforcer et de développer les associations et les clubs pour l’UNESCO dans toutes les régions du monde, d’accroître leur visibilité et leur rôle dans le soutien du mandat de l’UNESCO au sein des communautés locales, et d’augmenter le nombre de nouveaux membres. En outre, il existe un désir d’approfondir la collaboration avec l’UNESCO et les gouvernements des États membres afin de mettre en œuvre conjointement les programmes clés de la Fédération mondiale.

The Online Extraordinary Session of the Executive Board of WFUCA

The Extraordinary Session of the Executive Board of WFUCA was held on 5 February 2021 through online meeting.
In accordance to Article 8 of the Rules of Procedure of WFUCA, Mr Jaykun YOO (Republic of Korea) was elected anonymously by the Executive Board as the Acting President of WFUCA.
The Executive Board reviewed the report of the WFUCA Secretariat for 2019-2020 and discussed the implementation of the Regulatory Framework regarding Associations and Clubs for UNESCO and accepted Iran National Federation as a new member of WFUCA and will send this application to the next World Congress .

Call for applications: The Co-Creation, an International Game of Art

The first “Le Petit Maupassant” Cup international art co-creation tour, jointly sponsored by the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations (WFUCA) and Association pour le Développement des Échanges France-Chine (ADEFC), is an art exchange and interactive activity for international artists and children from China and other countries. 5 French artists were invited to present 5 “unfinished” works based on the Swan Castle and the childhood memories of Marcle Proust, one of the greatest French novelists in the history of world literature in the 20th century. Each work has been intentionally left “blank”. Children from China and other countries will jointly complete these 5 “unfinished works” with their innocence and wild imagination to realize “co-creation” and start a magical artistic dialogue across time, space, regions and cultures.

Artist Augusto FOLDI creates his art at the Castle Swan

The works that pass the review will be eligible to participate in the tour exhibitions held at Louvre and the Swan Castle, France, and will be exhibited together with the finished works of the 5 invited artists.

Artist Christophe RONEL creates his art at the Castle Swan

For more details please visit this link.

Intervention of WFUCA for 41th General Conference of UNESCO


Intervention by Mr. Jaykun Yoo, President of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA),
at General Policy Debate, 41st General Conference of UNESCO
13 November 2021, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris-France

Honorable Madam Director General
Honorable Mr. President of the General Conference
Chairperson of the Executive Board,
Dignitaries, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to send my warmest congratulations to Madame Director-General for your re-election, and I firmly believe that under your wise leadership, UNESCO clubs’ movement will open a new chapter in this post-covid area.
As the President of WFUCA, it is with great pleasure and pride, I share with this gathering that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations. During the last 40 years, WFUCA and its all members, that compose of more than 4000 UNESCO Clubs and Associations spread in about 80 countries around the globe, have greatly contributed to the spread out of UNESCO’s mandate.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of WFUCA, a series of celebrating activities were successfully carried out, including the Online Opening Ceremony, a public webinar on the theme of “Civil society with the Pandemic”, an Asia-Europe Education Forum, a Youth Forum on “Climate change and Culture”, and an International Art co-Creation Competition, which gathered members of WFUCA from over 40 countries and senior officials from UNESCO, National Commissions for UNESCO, NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, to take a stock of the 40 years history of collaboration, and looking into the future.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As you all know, UNESCO Club Movement is a people’s movement involving representatives of all sections of the society, particularly young women and men, rendering services voluntarily in advancing UNESCO’s aims and objectives.

Taking this occasion, WFUCA would like to thank the General Conference and the Executive Board for its decision to renew our official partnership with UNESCO for another eight years and I would reiterate we are committed to strengthening the organization by supporting its programmes and activities and work within the guiding principles of UNESCO, in close collaboration with the National Commissions to UNESCO.

Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to speak before this distinguished gathering.