International Festival under the auspices of UNESCO “The Planet of ART”, Astana, Kazakhstan

The International Festival under the auspices of UNESCO “The Planet of ART”, dedicated to the celebration of the 20th anniversary…

24th Session of AFUCA Executive Board meeting, Astana, Kazakhstan

The 24th Session of the Executive Board of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Clubs and Associations of UNESCO (AFUCA) was held…

Report: Greater Banjul UNESCO Club Exchange Visit With Kerewan Basic Cycle UNESCO Club

Report: Greater Banjul UNESCO Club Exchange Visit With Kerewan Basic Cycle UNESCO Club, Gambia

Report: Youth and Community Participation, Gambia, 2017

Report: Youth and Community Participation, Gambia, 2017

Report: Distribution and Discuss on the Declaration on Youth / Students Engagement to Foster Global Citizenship, Sustainable Development Initiatives and Peace Building, July 2017. Gambia

Report: Distribution and Discuss on the Declaration on Youth / Students Engagement to Foster Global Citizenship, Sustainable Development Initiatives and…
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